
Location and Time - CSI 257, 11:20-12:35am TR

Professor - Dr. Mark Lewis, Office: CSI 270H, Phone: 999-7022, e-mail: The best way to reach me typically is by e-mail. I check it frequently and try to respond promptly.

Office Hours - These are listed on my T-mail calendar. I'm in my office a lot, so you should feel free to drop by. If you are coming from lower campus, you can always call or write a short e-mail to see if I'm in and available at that time. I can also do virtual office hours via Google+ hangouts.

Text - "Flexible, Reliable Software" by Christensen is required. "Learning PHP, MySQL & JavaScript: With jQuery, CSS & HTML5, 4th Edition" is Optional.

Course Description - This course is part of our "design group" so it has a significant focus on the design and construction of larger pieces of software. In this case, the focus is on web applications and the design methodology we will consider is more of an agile approach. The in-class content will mingle creating web applications along with more general methods related to software design, such as design patterns.

Honor Code - All work that you submit for this class needs to be pledged. In the case of code, this means that you need to pledge in a comment at the top of each file.

Grades - Students can get points in this course in a number of different ways. There will be simple web creation tasks, quizzes over the required text material, larger group projects, and the option to give class presentations. Your grade will be determined by how many total points to earn in the course.

Points for class presentations can be divided between multiple people. Note that I will be hard on grading these. If you are going to be given class time to teach your peers about something, you need to make it be a good use of their time.

Projects will be done in groups.

The following table gives the point totals required for different letter grades in the course.

The final time is 8:30-11:30 am on Tuesday the 10th. During this time you will present your final projects.