Submission Program

To help you with debugging your programs and to make class go smoother on Tuesdays, I have written a submission program that will run your code against some test cases. It will tell you if your answer matched mine and how long it took. To run this program you need to ssh into dione00, go into the directory where your code is, and run the following command.

scala /users/mlewis/ProgramSubmitTest.jar team problem# files... [-CC=compiler command] [compiler options]

The files you submit MUST NOT include a main function. The main function will come from my test code. If you submit files that include a main you will get a compile error. An example usage might look like the following.

scala /users/mlewis/ProgramSubmitTest.jar F 1 Cells.cpp -CC=/usr/local/gcc-4.7.2-install/bin/g++ -std=c++0x -static

When you do a submission you will get one of four responses. If there is a compiler error, the error message will be printed back to you. If the code compiles and produces the results I expect, you will be told it is correct and how long it took. There are two ways it can be incorrect, it could produce the wrong answers, or it could take too long. To try to keep the timing results more fair, submissions are run sequentially. There is a timeout of 5 minutes. If your program takes longer than that it will be terminated and you will be told it timed out. If it completes with a different answer than I am expecting you will be told incorrect and a time.