B-Tree Assignment

This assignment has to write a B-tree roughly following the API or a std::map. Note that you will need to keep a free list of the nodes that are no longer being used when data has been deleted. Only types that don't include pointers can be written to the file.

The value t in the book is the third template parameter for the class. Making it a template parameter allows you to have your internal struct for the nodes that are stored to file use it as a size for the arrays.

Your code should be in BTree.h for your submission.

template<typename K,typename V,int T>

class BTree {

// TODO: Your Node type.

// TODO: B-Tree data

// Placed here to prevent copies.

BTree(const BTree<K,V,T> &that);

BTree<K,V,T> &operator=(const BTree<K,V,T> &that);

// TODO: Helper functions recommended


typedef K key_type;

typedef V mapped_type;

typedef std::pair<K,V> value_type;

class const_iterator {

// TODO: iterator data you are allowed to store a Node here if you want.


// TODO: constructors

bool operator==(const const_iterator &i) const { return /* TODO*/; }

bool operator!=(const const_iterator &i) const { return !(*this==i); }

const std::pair<K,V> operator*() const {



const_iterator &operator++() {


return *this;


const_iterator operator++(int) {

const_iterator tmp(*this);


return tmp;



BTree(const std::string &fname):/* TODO */ {

if(file==nullptr) {

// open with w+b and set up the file

} else {

// read header information



~BTree() {

// close the file


bool empty() const;

unsigned size() const;

const_iterator find(const key_type& k) const;

int count(const key_type& k) const;

std::pair<const_iterator,bool> insert(const value_type& val);

template <class InputIterator>

void insert(InputIterator first, InputIterator last) {

for(auto iter = first; iter!=last; ++iter) {




const_iterator erase(const_iterator position) {} // Implementation is extra credit

unsigned int erase(const key_type& k) {} // Implementation is extra credit

void clear();

const mapped_type operator[](const K &key) const;

const_iterator set(const value_type &val);

bool operator==(const BTree<K,V,T>& rhs) const;

bool operator!=(const BTree<K,V,T>& rhs) const;

const_iterator begin() const { return /* TODO */; }

const_iterator end() const { return /* TODO */; }

const_iterator cbegin() const { return /* TODO */; }

const_iterator cend() const { return /* TODO */; }

void printTree() {


std::cout << std::endl;



// Private helper methods

void printRecur(int x) {

Node node = readNode(x);

std::cout << "(x=" << x << ", n=" << node.n << ", leaf=" << node.leaf << ", p=" << node.parent << ": ";

for(int i=0; i<node.n; ++i) {

if(!node.leaf) printRecur(node.children[i]);

std::cout << " " << node.data[i].first << " ";


if(!node.leaf) printRecur(node.children[node.n]);

std::cout << ")";

