

Instructor: Dr. Mark Lewis

Office: CSI 270H

Phone: 999-7022



"Introduction to Algorithms, 3rd Edition" by Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest, and Stein

"The C++ Programming Language, 4th Edition" by Stroustrup


This is a course on data structures using C++. In other words, welcome to the darkest days of your life and the beginning of your eventual enlightenment. The course begins with learning the basics of C++ and using it to implement most of the basic data structures that were done in CSCI 1321, these include stacks, queues, sequences, and binary search trees. This course will also include hash maps, balanced binary search trees, augmented trees, and B-trees. The course concludes with a section on the basics of databases.


This course will use a cumulative point approach to grading. Everything you turn in can give you a certain number of points. Different numbers of points result in different final grades. The following table lists the type of things you will be turning in and how many points they are worth.

This table tells you what grade you will get for different point totals.