Tool Installation

If you want to do work on your own computer, there are a few pieces of software that you need to install.

    1. Java - Because we are running the JVM version of Scala, the first thing that you need is Java. You might already have it. To determine if you do, open a command prompt and type in "java -version". If you get an error, then you need to install Java from the link. What we are doing should work with Java 8 (1.8) or Java 11. If you get a different version number, you might need to uninstall Java and download one of those versions. Since 11 seems to be happy, that would be my current recommendation.

    2. git - Under windows I recommend Git for Windows. This will let you do all the git operations on your machine so that you can pull and push the code. Remember that if you are editing code on two computers, when you leave one computer you need to push and when you start working on another computer you need to pull.

    3. sbt - This is the Scala Build Tool. It is both a build and dependency manager for Scala. We use it to compile and run our programs.

  1. VS Code - This is the editor that we are using. Remember that you need to add the Metals extension.

Once you have all of these installed you can clone your repositories and then open them in VS Code and you should be good to go.