Video Quizzes

In order to take the video quizzes, you need to go to and log in. Because I am using a self-signed certificate, you will get a warning, go to the advanced settings and continue. Once logged in, You will see tables of quizzes that you can take/have taken. Click on the link for a quiz that is still open to take it.

There are several types of questions that will appear on your quizzes. The multiple choice questions are rather self-explanatory, and can only be answered once. Some of the other types can probably use some description. So the sections below give specific instructions about what you should enter for each type.


For this type of question, you are to enter a single Scala expression that will use the specified variable names, and does whatever is requested. You can make a more complex expression with curly braces if you desire and want to space things out. The value of the expression you provide is what will be used for grading.


For these questions, you should write just a function using "def". Do not include anything outside of that function definition. Your function needs to have the specified name as well as argument and return types. It will be tested by calling it multiple times with various inputs to make sure that that outputs match a correct solution.

Function Literal

You won't see many of these, but when you do, you should use either the rocket (=>) or underscore notations to write just a function literal to do what is specified. Do not write a full function. Do not include additional code. As with all expressions, the function body can be in curly braces.