
On this page I will be posting important information that you need to know for the class. I'll also be sending out e-mails, but you should check this page occasionally. It will have links on it to significant items.

Course Links:

  • Book Website - This is the website for the book. Definitely a work in progress.

  • Homework Submission - Use this site to submit your homework assignments.

  • In Class Code - This will take you to the code that we write in class.

  • HackerRank Practice Competition - This has exercises from the textbook up in the form of programming challenges. It's a good way to get some practice where you will also get immediate feedback.

  • Lab machine information

  • Connecting to CS Machines - This page gives a brief description of how you can connect to the CS Linux machines from your room.

  • Piazza - This is a discussion board built for things like our class. You should get an invitation to join the class. This allows other students and TAs to answer your questions in addition to my doing so. As a result, you get answers faster. Also, everyone can see the questions and the answers so everyone benefits from it. It becomes more beneficial as people use it so try using this as one of your first venues for questions.

  • Google+ - I share CS related links here and I will also use the hangout feature for review sessions.

  • Quota Information - This has some helpful information about quotas on our Linux installs.

Scala and Programming Links:

General Computer Links:

  • What is Programming Like? - This gives what I consider to be a great analogy for what programming is like. I strongly believe that programming is a creative art that you can only fully develop by practice.

  • Linux and vi Help Sheet - This is a little PDF file that has basic commands for Linux and vi. Ignore the part about submitting assignments with e-mail. You will be using a different program for doing that with your coding assignments.

  • Cygwin - This program brings what will look and feel like a Linux command line to a Windows machine. When you install it, make sure that you select the the development options so that you will have gcc with it. You should also select Java because that will help with submitting your assignments. If you also select OpenSSH then you will be able to use ssh and scp from the command line to connect to the CS machines in the same way you would with Putty. If you also select everything in the XFree86 part you can use xstart to begin an X-windows session and get something that looks similar to what you use in the lab.

  • Putty - This links to several programs that let you you connect to the departmental machines using ssh from a Windows box.

  • Chrome Secure Shell - This is a Chrome app that works basically like Putty inside of your browser. It won't let you pop up GUIs, but it is a quick and easy to to connect to machines for basic command-line usage.

  • Useful Links for CSCI 1320/1321 - This is a page of links compiled by Dr. Massingill and others in the CS department that you might find helpful.

  • Linux Info Page - This page has descriptions of some of the more important commands in Unix and Linux. Use it and/or the Unix tutorial that Dr. Hicks has.

  • Remote Access to CS Machines - a helper page on this topic.

  • HackRank - A competitive programming site with a lot of practice problems that allows the use of many languages.

  • TopCoder - This site sponsors programming competitions with significant cash prizes. At the very least is gives you a way to see how your coding skill stack up against others.

  • Project Euler - This site has a large number of interesting problems that have a strong math basis to them for you to solve using programming.

  • ACM programming competition - This is the main site for the international programming competition. You can click on North America then on Texas to get to the site for this years regional including the problem set that was used.

  • Binary, Decimal and Hex - A link with help on different number systems.