
E-mail: gwilliams at transy.edu


Waging War with Gold: National Security and the Finance Domain Across the Ages with Charles Dainoff and Rob Farley. Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2023.

"Discrimination, segregation, integration and expropriation." American Economic Association, Papers and Proceedings. Volume 112, May 2022, Pages 239-243.

"What is an assault weapon?" with Wm. Alan Bartley.  Gonzaga Law Review. Volume 57, 2021/2022, Pages 515-550.

"The role of gun supply in 1980s and 1990s youth violence'' with Wm. Alan Bartley. Contemporary Economic Policy.  Volume 40, Issue 2, Pages 323-348.

This was presented at AL CAPONE at the IDB in September 2018

Here is an article in The Trace on our work, and here a podcast where I discuss it with Rob Farley of Lawyers, Guns and Money.

"Examining the trade-off between NICU length of stay and post-discharge monitoring: an instrumental variables approach," with Bada, H; Chesnut, LW; Ferrell, EE; Mays, GP. Journal of Healthcare Management. Volume 63, Issue 5, September-October 2018, Pages 301–311

"The Thief's Wages: Theft and Human Capital Development." Oxford Economic Papers. Volume 70, Issue 2, 1 April 2018, Pages 443–467

"Property Crime: Investigating Career Patterns and Earnings." Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Volume 119, November 2015, Pages 124-138 

Washington Post Wonkblog on article

"Institutional Requirements for Effective Imposition of Fines." with Anne Morrison Piehl. In Controlling Crime: Strategies and Tradeoffs, edited by Philip J. Cook, Jens Ludwig, and Justin McCrary. University of Chicago Press, September 2011.


Human Capital

"Oil Shock and Watershed: The 1974 recession and the labor market fortunes of low-skill American males" with Ryan Hanson and Ana Maria Herrera

"Two Paths to a Union Premium in Two Sector General Equilibrium"

Property Crime

Introduction to Dissertation 

"Graphing Stories: Using Scaled Offense Probabilities and Offense Counts to Investigate Offender Timing" 

"Conditional dispersal and human property crime"

Victorian Banking and Finance

"'Lending money to people across the water': The British Joint Stock Banking Acts of 1826 and 1833, and the Panic of 1837" 

Econbrowser guest post where I summarize the paper.

"Launch of Joint Stock Banking in Lancashire, 1826 to 1847"

Gun Markets 

(all with Wm. Alan Bartley)

"The Autoloader Revolution: US handgun production shifts from oligopoly to competition 1980-2000"

"Cheap guns, young men, and the 1960s crime wave" 

IDEAS Web Page

Google Scholar Page

Curriculum Vitae

Research Interests

Primary: Applied Theory, Econometrics

Secondary: Labor Economics, Social Economics