Research Resources

Gale Research Gale is user friendly. I recommend selecting "Full Text Documents" before you search so you'll be able to read the entire article without leaving the site. You may choose to set the lexile level in order to insure that you are only seeing articles at your reading level. You can save articles directly to your Google Drive. And it will provide you with all of the information you need for an MLA citation at the bottom of an article.

World Book Online World Book is easy to use if you're looking for encyclopedia type information. It also has a lot of interesting topics to browse through if you're just interested in seeing what's out there. For most middle school research, I would recommend the "Advanced" tab. The information on the "Student" tab may be too brief. World book also provides you with all of the information needed for an MLA citation.

How to use Citefast.webm

How to use to create a bibliography or works cited page.

How to Format for Hanging Indent (Citefast to Google Doc).webm

How to format a bibliography or works cited page using hanging indents

A quick look at copyright and fair use-

Copyright Free sites for appropriate images:

Guide to Using Creative Commons - this information is from the Harvard Law School

Creative Commons

Questions About Copyright?

Plagairism & How to Avoid It:

Definition: Plagiarism is the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own. To avoid being guilty of plagiarism cite the sources that you use.

How to use the Dewey Decimal System

Melville Dewey came up with a way to help you locate books in the library. It is a way to know where non-fiction books in the library are found. There are 10 main divisions