Bullying Prevention

French Middle School takes bullying seriously and each reported incident is investigated. The district has a bullying rubric of consequences when bullying has occurred. You can access that here.

FMS counselors have an online form available for both parents and students to report bullying. You can access either the parent reporting form  or the student reporting form from the links here or they are also on the parent and student pages of our website.

Bullying is any ongoing (repeated) physical or verbal mistreatment where there is:

    *An imbalance of power

    *The target is exposed  repeatedly to negative actions on the part of one or more students.

                                    (Olweus 1986, 1991, and 1993)

Bullying definitions:

Non-Physical Bullying – This is name-calling, insulting, or other behavior that would hurt others’ feelings or make them feel bad about themselves.  This also includes “exclusion” such as starting rumors, telling others not to be friends with someone, or other actions that would cause someone to be without friends, etc.

Physical Bullying – This is pushing, slapping, grabbing, flicking poking, pinching, tripping, or other violations of personal space.

Severe Physical Bullying/Violence – This is punching, kicking, biting, pulling hair, spitting, or any similar behavior that could result in injury to others.

Harassment – This is racial, ethnic, or sexual name-calling or other severe harassment.

Sexual Harassment - Any unwanted and unwelcome behavior of a sexual nature that interferes with learning. Some forms of sexual harassment are also crimes. Sexual harassment can happen once or many times.