Know the signs: January is cervical cancer awareness month

Post date: Jan 26, 2017 9:21:51 PM

Quinn Pelowski


January is Cervical Cancer awareness month. Although it is rare, it is relevant for teens and if not detected early it can be very life threatening. According to the Honor Society of Nursing, “If cervical cancer is caught early through regular screenings, it is easily treated and nearly 90 percent of women survive.”

Telltale signs and symptoms of cervical cancer is pain in the pelvis, pain during sexual intercourse, abnormal, heavy or irregular menstruation, or spotting. Other common symptoms include fatigue, nausea, and weight loss. According to, “There will be 12,820 new cases of invasive cervical cancer diagnosed, and 4,210 women will die of cervical cancer in 2017.”

Cervical cancer was once one of the leading causes of death by cancer for women, but that has decreased by 50 percent due to increased awareness and most cases are found in women younger. “Hispanic-American women are most likely to get cervical cancer,” says, “followed by African-Americans, American Indians, Alaskan Natives, and Whites.

“Causes of cervical cancer are HPV, smoking, taking birth control, and engaging in early sexual contact,” according to So if you want to reduce your risk and stay cancer-free, stay healthy and make sure you don’t ignore the signs because it may be too late.