Sharing an album is an easy way to share just the photos and videos you want with just the people you choose. They can view, like, and comment on your photos and videos, and they can download your photos. They can also add their own photos and videos to your album using an iOS device, Mac, or Windows computer. Anyone can view your album on the web, even if they don’t have iCloud Photo Sharing set up, if you turn on the Public Website option in your shared album settings.

On a Mac using Photos

  1. In the Photos app, select the photos and videos you want to share.

  2. Click the Share button in the toolbar, click iCloud Photo Sharing, then click New Shared Album.

  3. Type a name for the shared album, then type the email addresses of the people you want to share the album with.

  4. If you want subscribers to be able to view the shared album from an iOS device, be sure to use the email addresses associated with their iCloud accounts.

  5. Click Create.

Note: To let invitees add their own photos and videos to your shared stream, open a shared album, click the Collaborate button in the toolbar, then Select Subscribers Can Post. To share your album on the web, select Public Website. After you select Public Website, the shared album’s web address appears.