Calendars with Hyperlinks

The following includes a brief explanation of Calendars with Hyperlinks, as well as examples of how Calendars with Hyperlinks is being applied in current practice in the VTaL Google+ Community. Included are different aspects of the Practicing Teaching Criteria that links to the use of Calendars with Hyperlinks. There are also references of how Calendars with Hyperlinks connects to the 7 Principles of Learning from the Nature of Learning, published by the OECD Project Innovative Learning Environment.

Calendars with Hyperlinks

The purpose and benefit of Google Calendars with Linked Learning Activities is that the learning is visible, at any time, on any given day.

Students are able to access learning for each day that learning information is posted into Calendar Events. Thus, providing a portal for rewindable learning to take place for lessons that students may have missed due to absence from school or lateness to class.

Subject Google Calendar with Hyperlinks Example

The VTaL Visible Teaching and Learning Google+ Community is a public community that is completely visible and accessible to all users.

The section on Calendars with Hyperlinks includes posts that cover a range of topics, such as:

Practising Teacher Criteria

The following are various aspects of Practising Teaching Criteria that relates to the use of Calendars with Hyperlinks.

Demonstrate in practice their knowledge and understanding of how ākonga learn

      1. enable ākonga to make connections between their prior experiences and learning and their current learning activities
      2. provide opportunities and support for ākonga to engage with, practise and apply new learning to different contexts
      3. encourage ākonga to take responsibility for their own learning and behaviour
      4. assist ākonga to think critically about information and ideas and to reflect on their learning

Reflective Questions

The following are reflective questions that relates to the use of Calendars with Hyperlinks.

"the learning is visible, at any time, on any given day" "portal for rewindable learning"

  1. Do you use Calendars with Hyperlinks to enable the learning to be visible and also as a portal for rewindable learning?
  2. If not, do you use other learning tools to enable the learning to be visible and also as a portal for rewindable learning?
  3. Why or how do the Calendars with Hyperlinks or other learning tools meet the learning needs of Ākonga?
  4. Do these tools align with Visible Teaching and Learning eg. accessible to Ākonga, teaching colleagues, support staff and other professionals, whānau and other carers of ākonga, agencies, groups and individuals in the community?
  5. What professional development are you undertaking to further develop your understanding and implementation of Calendars with Hyperlinks in teaching and learning programs?

7 Principles of Learning

The following are different aspects of the 7 Principles of Learning that relates to the use of Calendars with Hyperlinks.

Learners at the centre

The learning environment recognises the learners as its core participants, encourages their active engagement and develops in them an understanding of their own activity as learners.

OECD The Nature of Learning, 2016