3. Google Resources

Google Apps for Education provides us with awesome tools to improve the learning experiences for our students. A big part of what makes Google so awesome is that there are so many ways to incorporate these tools. Therefore, it is virtually impossible for me to give you step by step directions for how to use Google Apps for Education. Below is a list of resources that should provide assistance along the way. As always, please feel free to contact me at rproper@taconichills.k12.ny.us with any questions or concerns.

-Google has built in help: help tab above in Docs, (?) in the top right corner of Drive, (?) in the bottom left corner of Classroom, etc.

-Try doing a Google search...I do dozens of Google searches every day, often to find out how to do something involving a Google product.

-Youtube is a great resource. If you need guidance or support with a task, it is extremely likely that someone has created a tutorial and put it on Youtube.

-Youtube Video (Google Classroom 2:19) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K26iyyQMp_g&index=21&list=WL

-Youtube Video (Google Classroom Mission Control 2:01) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-apCIbV9YKA

-Click here for Top Apps that are of high education quality

-Click here for What’s new in Classroom

-Click here to join the Google+ Google Apps for Education Community

-Click here for the Google Training Center

-Click here for a daily Google Apps Newsletter

-Click here for a great Google Classroom resource

-Click here for Google Apps Learning Center

-Click here for Google Sites Tips

-Click here for Google Cheat Sheets eBook

-Click here for 35 Apps that integrate with Google Classroom