Claire Lilienthal School Library

Welcome to the Claire Lilienthal Library!

Scott Campus

Monday, Tuesday. and Thursday 7:30AM- 2:30PM

Madison Campus

Monday- Friday 7:30AM-2PM

Kristi Arnold Estes, Librarian

Silvia Ashe, PTA Librarian Aide

**Use your SFUSD GAFE account username and password to access this document for usernames and passwords.

Hoopla- free books and audiobooks from SFPL

The Madison Library is open to parents and students on:

Tuesday and Wednesday mornings from 7:20am to 7:40am.

We’d love for you to join us with your students!

At the Scott Campus library encourage your students to attend Lunch Bunch.

Lunch Bunch is at the Scott on Mondays and Thursdays from 10:40am-12:00pm.

Students eat lunch in the cafeteria and then visit the library! Some Lunch Bunch days we’ve had over 50 students come to the library who are coloring, making lanyards, crafting, and discovering new books! The Scott Library is a great place to be!