Best Facebook Messenger Bots for Business

Post date: 09-Feb-2021 11:17:52

You may have heard about chatbots. The chatbots have brought a significant change in the business world. From the ordering process to scheduling appointments, these chatbots can make several tasks easy. We have listed some of the best Messenger bots on the list below. You can hire someone to create Facebook Messenger bots for your business. Here are some examples of the Best Facebook Messenger Bots.


What is Facebook Messenger Bot?

Facebook Messenger bot is messaging software that runs on AI. Nowadays, most companies use these chatbots on their websites. Bots can understand the queries and answer them. Facebook has more than 1 billion users. Using chatbots can be good on this platform. It saves time also.

Why is Messenger Bot Important for Business?

Using Messenger bot for your business can be good as it makes your business appear professional. Apart from this, you won't have to spend your time solving the customers' issues. The bots will save precious time.


People find it boring to fill out the surveys. If you are a service provider and want to know about the client's feedback, it may be good to provide a form in which the clients can tick "Yes" or "No." Surveybot is good and requires no coding. You need to create a survey by visiting the Surveybot website. After creating a survey, you can send the link to the customers in Messenger. Surveybot will collect all the responses and share them with you.

Sephora Messenger Bot

Sephora Messenger Bot is a great Facebook Messenger bot that makes it easy to schedule meetings and appointments. It is a great Facebook Messenger app that will help your clients to schedule appointments easily. The interesting thing to know about Sephora is that it is a beauty brand. It brought chatbots and made it easy to communicate with clients. Even nowadays, you can book a service and choose the service you want just using Messenger.

Kayak Facebook Messenger Bot

This Facebook Messenger Bot can assist your clients in buying your service. You can create a bot that will gather details about your clients. Once it understands their likes and dislikes, it recommends based on their choice. Kayak Facebook Messenger bot offers suggestions on the flights and hotels. The bots enquire about where the client would like to go on the trip. If your business relates to tourism and travels, you should get such an app created for your business.

Evernote Messenger bot

Evernote is not only a note-taking app but an excellent Messenger bot also. The developers of Evernote solve their customers' queries online. Most companies don't find it good to converse with their clients on calls, so does Evernote. Evernote Messenger bot solves customers' queries by replying instantly and doesn't keep them waiting for long. If you receive several queries from your customers, you can get someone to develop such a Messenger bot for your business.

Pure Adrenaline Gym Bot

There is a big difference between communicating with a human or chatbot. A real person communicates in a fun way and sends emojis and gifs, while a chatbot can't. When it comes to Pure Adrenaline Gym Bot, you will find it better than others in terms of interaction. It appears as if you are interacting with a real person. It makes customers more comfortable while they ask queries on the platform. This kind of chatbot may help your customers feel happy about your service. If you want to engage with your customers in a friendly way, get such a chatbot created for your business.

Conclusion Dealing with hundreds of queries on calls may be difficult, so it is right to create a Facebook Messenger bot for your website. Your customers and clients find you more reliable when they receive an instant answer to their queries. We have mentioned various kinds of Messenger bots on the list. We hope you find the list helpful.