Welcome to my homepage. You can find out things about me here; some professional, some personal.
Associate Professor of Philosophy
Chair: Department of Languages and Philosophy
Associate Editor: Precollege Philosophy and Public Practice
General Classrooms 108F
Office: 435.586.7912
Fall 2023 Student Hours:
Tuesday: 11a-1p
Wednesday: 9a-10:30a
Friday: 9a-10:30a
& by Appointment
Hi there! I'm Kris.
I joined the faculty at SUU in 2014 after having earned my PhD from the University of Iowa. I study early modern philosophy (17th and 18th century) with an emphasis on Descartes. Currently my research interests lie at the intersection of metaphilosophy, the philosophy of education, and early modern philosophy. I'm developing a manuscript project that draws from figures such as Margaret Cavendish, Descartes, Adam Smith, Hume, Wollstonecraft, and a few other early modern European figures in order to make a case for the importance of a well-rounded, philosophically-grounded education.
I am also working on projects in virtue education, metaphilosophy, Margaret Cavendish, and Mary Shepherd's philosophy of time.
I am Associate Editor of Precollege Philosophy and Public Practice.
I teach a wide variety of topics, but primarily metaphysics, epistemology and the history of modern philosophy.
I grew up in Michigan, and am an avid fan of both the Detroit Lions and the Detroit Tigers. I also enjoy baking, cooking, cycling, listening to records, making and drinking coffee, literature, tattoos, and burritos.