
Barrie talks about our growing collection of Dalin/AGA acetylene flashing units and sun valve here at the Caloundra Lighthouses.

Incidentally,  AGA made the 1968 revolving light atop the Signal Station

Thank you Colin Hunt for your donation of the Dalin Flasher unit from Russell Island North Queensland

2020-09 Jan Crawford & Cherie Kirby 1

Jan moved to Caloundra in 1952 with her two month old son. The were founding members of the Caloundra Power Boat Club and when the old lighthouse was moved in 1970 she did the Council approval drawings. She did drafting work for spec builders and went on to develop her own properties. She and daughter Cherie recall their memories.

2020-09 Jan Crawford & Cherie Kirby 2

Nothing at Golden Beach in 1970 - just bush and a boat ramp, Power Boat Club activities, bream fishing at night, park at Bribie, doing plans for builder’s Besser block houses, subcontracting, lending to women in the 1960s, rates up so lady needed to sell, building a house every 12 months, slave labour, four houses in Coronation Ave, other women developers? banks a problem.

2020-09 Jan Crawford & Cherie Kirby 3

Moving lighthouses, Ma & Pa, Bribie Island & the bar, Caloundra House, Barnett, Barkers Pharmacy, drafting, paint centre, Besser place bottom of Bulcock, lived in second shop over Christmas, Gerry Bell, Westaway.

2020-09 Jan Crawford & Cherie Kirby 4

Jan’s Gift Shop - no Summer building - selling pot plants with shells, Christmas presents, Centaur Memorial Rotary photo - Tesch hardware, Mannie Comino, Rod Robinson, Clive/Clem Jones, Benny Gray, Strand Theatre, diving boards at Bulcock.

Jan cam up with the description Gem of the Sunshine Coast

2020-09 Jan Crawford & Cherie Kirby 5

Tripcony -1963 cyclone, toilets blown over, septic tanks, Dicky, Moffat Beach, away for Anro Asia, flushing Tooway Creek, Francis Hotel burning down, What children did all day, fishing in the rowboat, surfing at Kings, lot of cyclones, guests in Bowman Rd, Thomas shop on corner, Kings Beach rockpool, came in 1952, son two months, skating, umbrellas.

Bill Kirby Jan 2019

Jan 2019 - 99 year old Bill Kirby remembers pre WW2 Caloundra, Shanahan’s white horse, staying with the Clarks, fishing, the drive from Landsborough

Les Kirby Jan 2019

Remembers Moffat Beach, Seaview Tce shop owners, and the play equipment.  Mr Baker worked in the Signal Station.

Barrie Ward April 2015

In By Many Campfires Caboolture Historical Society 1977, Stan Tutt includes a photo of 1918 New Years celebrations at the Lighthouse with the flags flying.  He states Some old "sea dog" may be able to read the message of the flags.  In this interview, Barrie does a good job of attaining "sea dog" status.

Trevor Hamey Nov 2014 Part 1

Memories of boyhood holidays at Caloundra, Born 1940 in Brisbane, 1947 was first visit with parents Arch & Myrtle, grandmother and two brothers, house in Bulcock near Henzells, lice problem, 1948 bought a tent and camped at Mrs Crookson’s back yard in Gay Tce next to Strathallen, she had six campers, Palmer brothers took and returned gear to Maloney’s wharf in Brisbane, then via Passage.  1948 & 1949 at Mrs Crooksons, but in 1950 Council restricted number of campers, so taken to Moffat Beach on recommendation of Maloney’s driver of Thornycroft truck who was married to mum’s cousin Beryl Palmer nee Geritz. 1951 again.  No car so caught train to Landsborough then and articulated truck, then Maloneys to Moffat. 1952 dad’s sister had car, mum had cocker spaniels - pups at Moffat camping ground, Dads fellow workers rented flats at Lakeside, saw Wirraway on patrol - didn’t return, crashed at Maroochydore.

Trevor Hamey Nov 2014 Part 2

Fishing at Happy Valley, mullet fishing at Moffat, break, but came back in 1957, then for honeymoon in 1962, then annual holidays, rented at Orvieto & other places. In 1948 had arm in sling - saw visiting doctor in Bulcock St, Kings Beach shark attack.  2009 brother bought in Little Mountain, They bought unit in Canberra Tce, got interested in lighthouses, became a member since 2011 and currently President. looking after the lighthouses, licence with Council.  Arriving in Caloundra and seeing the sea at Little Mountain, Getting a lift on the water truck with Ray Tilney 1950 or 51, Austin truck with water tank, filled with bore at Moffat.

David McCarthy October 2014 David holidayed in Caloundra as a small child over Christmas/New Year 1950-51, It was the first time he ever saw the sea, they stayed at (sounds like) Cybes Flats at Bulcock Beach, cyclone, liners - remembers the Otranto sailing past, the wreck of the Dicky, waves at Shelly Beach, surf carnival at Kings Beach.  Came from Logan, train via Roma St, articulated bus from Landsborough, steam trains, locomotives, railway history, Blue Star Line ships were particularly recognizable

Rosie Finks nee Hungerford, family moved to Caloundra in 1969, big family, lived in Ormuz Ave, sneaking into Strand Cinema, parties in flats in Canberra Tce, Anro Asia

Rod Fuller - his dad was keeper in 1934, Went to school in Caloundra with brother & sister, aboriginal boy in his class, carpet snake, He remembers bullock teams dragging logs up Bulcock St.  Evan Clark was a friend of his father, and he was a friend of his son Lloyd Clark who used to harpoon groper in the passage, Lloyd died recently.  He joined the Lighthouse Service and was stationed at Newfarm.

He drove up on a couple of occasions in an old army Jeep and remembers servicing the diesel motor at the lighthouse, cleaning it, and a  spring at Kings Beach reportedly still in existence.  Sailing in the Cape Leeuwin, he was involved in maintenance of the Break Sea Spit lightship off Fraser Island.  He also had ten years in the Water Police and helped with the Kaptajn Nielsen disaster off Tangalooma.  It made headlines worldwide back in 1964, the Dutch dredge Captain Neilsen had capsized in Morton Bay and a lone sailor swam ashore to raise the alarm. Tags shipwreck

Bridget Sparks - Barranjoey Lighthouse & Di Hall - Moffat in the 1950s Aug 2014

Bridget & partner Jervis lived in one of the Barrenjoey cottages for many years, and have donated a copy of Jervis’ book The Red Light of Palm Beach.

Di’s family bought land in Roderick St Moffat Beach.

(go left then four down from Buccleugh St on southern side)

Beach Shack, Camping, wildflowers, Kathleen McArthur, corrugated iron canoes in Tooway Creek, walking to Pt Cartwright, horses from Maltman’s farm, Governor Wilson helping to find lost teeth in the surf, caravan park - Green Opal Tourist Park

Bob Deakin July 2014 1

Electrical installation for the 1968 Signal Station, power in, batteries, generator, switches, light shuts down bit by bit, so old that he’s wired heritage buildings, Torbreck for Aubrey Job, Mr Foote from Mt Isa Mines, proximity to town, laser beam for dredging, AGA built light, impressed by closeness to town, Vickers Viscount computers & landing system, pedestal motor was two motors and you could repair when it was running, mercury bath

Bob Deakin July 2014 2

When light shines on back wall gives secondary flash, Between Caloundra and Moreton only 6m deep - passage moved - lighthouse on rails, Japanese submarine laid nine mines during world war two - HMAS Swan doing gunnery practice set some off, allies had mines, wiring diagrams pre computer, controls, indicator lights, surfing with Nicklin, Bulcock Qld Colonial Government, temperance estate, Emily Bulcock had house on front designed by Groom, Bulcock’s tower, Maltman’s father ran a communications line to Landsborough

Graham Carpenter from Norah Head July 2014 1

Description of first order revolving light, clockwork mechanism, mercury bed, three keepers, operation, NSW lights every 40km, James Barnet, last three Point Perpendicular, Byron Bay & Norah Head blockwork construction, same plans, magnetic rocks caused compass variations, Laycock 1920s keeper with children Nora & Headly, signals, Mother station.

Graham Carpenter from Norah Head July 2014 2

Daytime identities, differences in the three lighthouses discussed with Barrie Ward, signature flashes, radio in world war two, Norah used by Navy & Air Force, navigational training, run by Trust, operation, Bungara Norah Point - Bungara travelled with Bass & Flinders

Peg Leisegang Caloundra Weekly May 2014

Lived in Caloundra since 1943 and were friends with Maurice & Felicity Stensen who sold Felicity Cottage to Council with condition that the trees be kept. Built early 1940s. Now the Regional Art Gallery, Felicity Park & walkway. Protest when trees threatened. Lived at Texas 9 Oronsay Ave built Dick Orrell inter war style bought in 1952 (this page has images of Caloundra identities) Merthyr in Newfarm home of Samuel Griffiths, his chair given to Maurice, birth of the Caloundra Weekly.  Owned Moffat Post Office Store in early 1960s, Caloundra reunion organized by Peg in 1984, Mrs Cochran nee Goodwin & Mrs McBride nee Tripcony both claimed first white child born Caloundra, Caloundra identities, Cubs, P&O street names from Mrs Wilson, Oronsay, Orama.  Additionally discussed were Dr Ross & Japanese Garden in Omrah Ave from Centaur St, death of Margarie Norvell? and Peg’s photo on the back of a bus promoting the library & comment from Joan Sheldon

Neil Dawes Feb 2014 Happy Valley & Bulcock Beach

Keith Palmer Jan 2014, descendant of John Maltman

Peter Magee 1 Jan 2014

Family had general store at Maleny sold 1945, since1926 parents holidayed at Caloundra - Kings Boarding House which became Perle Hotel, camping, bought at 10 Mahia Tce in 1938, house built by Tesch, Two visits to old lighthouse - one early this week and in 1939 as a child, shell collection in lighthouse, remembers Shanahan walking past for his morning swim, in 1940’s rented boat - to lighthouse reach, back light, walked to front light and spoke to keeper - presumed Gosling, old forts in 1950s, 1960 Bribie lights in disrepair, tracked down Goslings in Golden Beach, stories, loan of log, books, tidal surge, lost boys maybe 1930s, Ngungun St house, Gordon Briggs, Caloundra School for two years, Powell - also librarian & news agency, electricity to Caloundra, equipment, SS Dicky bell, Queen of Colonies tree photo, still there in 1950s, Women’s historical group SS Dicky ceremony, Hendersons, Sachs claimed built before Governor (Saxon hardware).  note spelling may not be accurate

Peter Magee 2 Jan 2014

Rented in Dicky Beach in 1960s, 1937 Henzells brochure still current, Gordon Briggs, Mother’s father James Nickel Robertson solicitor bought dairy farm in Maleny in 1920s, established legal office, Peter’s father had drapery in Maleny, Anzac Day Kings Beach 1939, Photo of Caloundra looking North actually east late 1930s, Lamkin Flats, Lamkin had library, Burnsall Boarding House, Kings, Fristrom, no bitumen, Parents built at 10 Mahir, Garrison men Mr Jardine in Moreton Garrison, Bentley on Bribie, Pilot boats visited occasionally, World war two conveys, Pilot boats, Moolooaba etc, Matthew Flinders & John Oxley, shipping, Bald Knob Kerr’s house observation during World war two, flash of Centaur, Elders, arrived 42/43, observation tower at Wickham Pt, slit trenches, wire with tin cans to rattle, signs removed, school moved to Scout Hall, attended Caloundra school in 1945, Brown out not black out, warden visited, Jeeps on the beach, houses to west army occupied, Nellie's bakehouse, Clarks & Chapmans for fish & ice, electricity, sewerage

Peter Magee 3 Jan 2014

Panoramas - Lamkins flats, had library - a real estate agent, Fristroms Kings - had service car to Landsbourgh , Nimitz police magistrate, Boronia Court moved from Mooloolah

Ian Pattemore Sept 2013

Tony Smith Sept 2013

Tony Smith's dad bought a block on Bell St - talks about street names, getting to Dicky Beach, building a house

Gerry Bell July 2013

Gary Cox Sept 2012

Tony Dyason and Trevor Hamey Sept 2012