
Welcome to Mrs. Ciccone's Spackenkill Elementary Art Page

Please Contact me through e-mail at sharon.ciccone@sufsdny.org or by calling Hagan at 845-463-7840 in the morning

or at Nassau at 845-463-7842 in the afternoon.

In the Elementary Art Program

Art Students Are Engaged

Our elementary visual art program actively engages students in the processes of creating, presenting, responding and connecting through works of art. It provides the opportunity for students to explore and build the foundations for what it means to be an artistically literate citizen in the 21st century. Students learning is supported through the study of art resources and experimental play with materials and techniques. They interact with works of art learning to critically describe, analyze, interpret, and evaluate through the process of art criticism.

Art Students Create Meaning

Through artmaking, students create meaning and understanding, while developing artistic skills and behaviors such as observing, envisioning, stretching the limits of materials, and exploring ideas. They learn to engage and persist through challenges, develop craft, express what cannot be seen, reflect on practice, and understand and appreciate the diverse contributions of the arts and the many forms that art may take. All curriculum, instruction, and assessments are aligned with the the New York State Learning Standards for the Arts, and the goals of our district.

Art Students are Proud of Their Works

Students participate in a forty minute art class, once every five days. All completed art works, lesson explanations, and student writing samples are published in our on-line gallery (with parent permission). Please visit the Spackenkill Elementary Schools Gallery at www.artsonia.com. Additional information may be found in "Artsonia" on this website.

Each year, every student has the opportunity to display their favorite work at the Spring District Art Show. This show is a culmination of the entire year's experiences in art. Students make individual choices about what they would like to display as their "best" work. In addition, large scale projects, group works, and sculptures are all on display.