
7th Grade Geography Grading Procedures/Overview

Mr. Beach


I.                   Grading

Grading scale is made up of total points of the assignments. The formula used to calculate grades is Total Points earned divided by the Total Points for the 9 weeks.


II.        Tests & Quizzes

Students will be tested on chapters from their Geography book. Students will be given a study guide before each test. This study guide is worth extra credit points. It will have topics/items that will be on the test and that have been covered in class and in the reading. Students may also be assigned quizzes. 


III.      Homework

Homework can consists of reading assignments, studying for tests, working on projects, worksheets just to name a few items.  A majority of the homework will be assigned during class and could possibly completed before the class period ends. Students must learn to manage their time wisely in not just geography class, but also in the entire Jr. High School.


IV.             Class Work

Students in the Jr. High School will need to show maturity, responsibility, and time management skills. In Geography class these three skills will be put to work. Students will need to show maturity in working together to accomplish projects/activities. They will need to show responsibility by accomplishing these projects/activities correctly. Also, they will need to show time management skills by completing these tasks when given the appropriate time frame. This year we will have projects/activities that can be accomplished in class. This will depend on the students’ maturity, responsibility, and time management levels. The teacher will give enough time in class for each in class assignment to be completed. If a student does not complete the in class assignment in the given class time, the assignment may become homework.


V.             Chromebooks or their own device

Students will receive a Chromebook for their academic use in the junior high school. Chromebook usage and care are covered in the student handbook. In Geography class the netbooks will be used for assignments. However, misuse of the netbooks will not be tolerated. Students must follow all rules regarding netbook usage. Netbooks will only be allowed to be used in Geography class when the teacher permits it. Playing games and being off task because of the netbook is a violation of the rules of the netbook usage in Geography class. Classroom Responsibility points will be deducted if netbook abuse occurs in Geography class. Minor infraction referral to the Dean of Student may also be used as discipline.


VI.       Materials 

Here is a list of items a student MUST have with them when they enter  

Geography class each day unless instructed otherwise. 

1.      Folder

2.      Sharpened Pencil (Sharpened before class, as to not interrupt discussions)

3.      Charged Chromebook

4.      Notebook(s) - A student should keep one notebook until full. Teacher will give a new notebook when the old one is used up.

5.      Agenda Book

6. Headphones, earbuds, or any other listen tools 

If a student is continues to not bring their materials to class a referral to the Dean of Students may be required.


VII.                Agenda Book

Each student is issued an agenda book that MUST be with all students at all times.  This book will be used for students to write down each assignment in all classes every day of the school year.  Parents can check their child’s agenda book each night to see if their child has any homework for the next school day. Agenda books are also used as the student's hall pass.


VIII.          Google Classroom

We will utilize Google Classroom for this year in Geography class. Announcements, assignments, and other pertinent information will be posted to your student’s Google Classroom.


IX.       PowerSchool

PowerSchool is an opportunity for parents and/or students to see grades earned in all classes. I would highly recommend using PowerSchool to follow the Geography grade. 


X.        Extra Credit

Students can earn extra credit through the Study Guides at the end of each chapter. Throughout the course of the year there may be other opportunities for the student to earn extra credit points.

 Junior High School Grading Scale



*If you have any questions contact me by calling the school or through e-mail at beach@fasd.k12.pa.us .