Technology Class Descriptions

INTRODUCTION TO MANUFACTURING - (9th Grade) Introduction to Manufacturing is a course which introduces the student to the world of designing and building consumable and durable products. In addition to the study of the safe use of tools and machinery, students learn to create useful projects of wood, metal and plastic materials. This class meets for one semester.

BASIC MANUFACTURING - (10th, 11th or 12th Grade) Basic Manufacturing is the foundation course of our manufacturing program. The student will learn traditional manufacturing processes while making products of wood and metal. This class meets for one semester. This is a prerequisite for Manufacturing II.

CNC MANUFACTURING - (10th, 11th or 12th Grade) CNC Manufacturing introduces more hi-tech manufacturing processes. The student will use traditional machines along with CAD/CAM/CNC machines to make various products. This class meets for one semester. This is a prerequisite for Manufacturing II.

MANUFACTURING II - (11th or 12th Grade) Prerequisites : Basic and CNC Manufacturing. Manufacturing II is a final demonstration of what the student has learned in the previous classes. The student will design and manufacture products using both traditional and hi-tech processes. They will also show all work phases of each project in a PowerPoint presentation. This class is for eleventh and twelfth grade students and meets all year long.

MANUFACTURING ENTERPRISE - (11th or 12th Grade) In Manufacturing Enterprise the student will learn about various aspects of manufacturing including: Areas of Technology, Parts of a manufacturing system, Manufacturing Materials, Material Properties, Material Processes, Managerial Processes, and How to Run a Manufacturing Enterprise. The students will organize and run a Manufacturing Enterprise including such aspects as planning, manufacturing and marketing a product.

COMPUTER AIDED DRAFTING I - (9th, 10th, 11th or 12th Grade) Computer Aided Drafting I allows students interested in engineering, architecture, technical drawing or graphic design to gain basic skills is drafting using CAD software. Students will draw various things such as machine parts. Both two dimensional (2D) and three dimensional (3D) objects will be drawn. Further classes will build upon these skills. This class is for any high school student and meets for one semester. This is a prerequisite for CAD II.

COMPUTER AIDED DRAFTING II - (9th, 10th, 11th or 12th Grade) Prerequisite - CAD I Computer Aided Drafting I allows students interested in engineering, architecture, technical drawing or graphic design to gain basic skills is drafting using CAD software. We will build upon the skills developed in CAD I. We will also explore Architectural CAD in this course.

TECH ED 8 - (8th Grade)

Tech Ed 8 is an introductory course that is one semester long. Students will gain an understanding of what technology is and the various types. They will complete hands on activities that include model rockets, model bridges and 3D printing.