8th Grade History

8th Grade Iowa Standards:

  • Independently, construct arguments using claims and evidence (Inquiry-SS.8.7)

  • Explain multiple causes and effects of events and developments in early American History. (Content-SS.8.23)

  • Determine the main idea of a primary or secondary source and provide an accurate summary of the source (Reading-RH.6-8.2)

  • Identify aspects of a text that reveal an author’s point of view or purpose (Reading-RH.6-8.6)

Extra Credit

You are able to earn Extra Credit in this class. Please print off the assignment petition. This has to be done first and approved before moving onto your project. I will not accept the assignment petition the last 2 weeks of the quarter.

Assignment Petition

After your petition is approved you have until the quarter to complete the project. Topics need to be on what we will be learning that quarter. You might have to present what you did in front of the class to earn full possible points. Each student is allowed to create and/or participate in 2 assignments per quarter.

If you have any questions, please let me know.

Here are the time periods you can do your topics over. Please make sure they are US History related.

1st Quarter: 1000-1775 (before Revolutionary War)

2nd Quarter: 1775-1802

3rd Quarter: 1803-1849

4th Quarter: 1850-1915