Units of Study

Unit 1 - Basic Geography -- the skills and technologies of finding your place in the world

Unit 1 - Government

Unit 2 - Economics

Unit 3 - Poverty

Unit 4 - Immigration

Unit 5 - Conflict

In addition to these units of study, we also have a course in business from Junior Achievement volunteers for 6 weeks in the fall.

All units will have some map study, cultural study, and the study of physical geography. While we cannot cover every aspect of every country, we study as much as time will allow. Films, internet videos, periodicals, books, internet sites and textbooks are all part of our curriculum. Teachable moments, such as those connected to current events, also add to our knowledge.

7th Grade Social Studies Goals

1. Gain an appreciation for Geography/World Cultures

2. To be able to better understand the world around us

3. To be able to USE Geography/Social Studies in your life