Understanding Your Personality

Everyone comes into the world with an innate personality type; however, our experiences, culture, environment, family of origin and the surrounding community play an important role as to how we are allowed to “LIVE OUT” (behavior) our innate type. The Enneagram is based on 9 different basic personality types/temperaments. Among the 9 different basic personality types, no one type is any better or worse than another as each type has its strengths and limitations. It is a matter of how the person “makes the most” out of his strengths while improving upon his limitations as and when necessary.

Enneagram will be able to help in analyzing ourselves and another person’s personality profile. It will also help in understanding the relationship between our personality and how we live our own life. If you would like  to know more about yourself and how can you improve your communication and relationship with others, learn your Enneagram type first, in less than 5 minutes!

Complete your online Enneagram Test => click here

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