This is how we end our day, Drop Everything And Read (DEAR)!

Extra Recess on Friday

Science: Life Cycle Presentations

Beck presents the life cycle of a trout.

Adair presents the life cycle of a trout.

Katelyn presents the life cycle of a mouse

Miriam, Kaylah, and Nathaniel present thelife cycle of a frog.

Jazlynn present the life cycle of a butterfly.

Natalie presents the life cycle of a ladybug.

Preston presents the life cycle of a ladybug.

Jermarkus presents the life cycle of a mouse.

Josiah presents the life cycle of a mouse.

Jonathon and Dave present the life cycle of a ladybug.

We will have multiple opportunities to sharpen our speaking, listening, and viewing skills throughout the school year. We will continue to practice Eye contact, sharing important facts, and using our strong voices. Overall, students did a great job on their first presentation!

Science: Exploring Crayfish Structures

We spent Thursday and Friday afternoon observing live crayfish in our classroom. A few of us actually conquered our fears and picked them up!

Native American Research and Thanksgiving Feast

Spirit Week December and Holiday Party

Shining Knights Awards - 1st Semester

Black History Month Presentations