Northwest Electric Washington D.C. Tour

Post date: Dec 17, 2014 4:28:20 PM

Sophomore and juniors in high school can enter to win an all expense paid trip to Washington D.C., and see the treasures in our nation’s capital. Students will visit the Capitol, the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, Vietnam Memorial, Mount Vernon, Arlington National Cemetary, the Supreme Court and many other historic and impressive places.

Students will meet and have an opportunity to speak with our congressional representative. Plus, they will meet nearly 1,600 other students from all across the United States.

North Western Electric Cooperative will sponsor two students on this trip. To be eligible to compete, you must be a high school sophomore or junior, and the parents and/or legal guardians of the students must be members of and receive service at their permanent residence from North Western Electric Cooperative.

The 2015 Youth Tour was June 12-18.