
In the beginning. . . 

We are taking over space formerly occupied by Clare Grey.  It housed two fancy NMRs, but soon it will be an empty room for us to start building our new instruments and laser systems!  Check back to watch the transformation!

Here's what it looked like in the beginning:

We don't know what to do with NMRs!

Cleared out and with a fresh coat of paint:

Installation of the large maglev turbos on the high vacuum chambers:

We built our first ion source:

It makes a lot of ions - each spike is at least one in this oscilloscope trace:

And here's our first mass spec (Agilent Tuning mix).  It's a mass spec only a mother could love, but we're proud parents!

Flight tube and detection chamber together - time for a group photo.

First time-of-flight mass spectrum!  Protonated caffeine and its dimer, plus some bonus peaks we need to decode.

The instrument had to be taken apart, moved to the new basement lab, and reassembled.  It is back under vacuum!

The reflectron has been assembled and installed! Next stop: Cryo trap

The complete instrument: