Stonefields Sport

Welcome to our Physical Education and Sports site. This is your first stop for all information about the Health and PE curriculum, whole school events, sporting opportunities including Inter School Sports and local events. We even have a space dedicated to home learning challenges for keeping healthy and active at home. 

Information is updated regularly as events approach so please check in throughout the year, and keep an eye on the school newsletter for the latest sport updates. 

2024 Interschool Sports 

(Please sign up with your child via your learners' school email account and check your availability to support your child's team as a parent volunteer)


Week 1

Week 4

Week 5

Year 7/8 Competitive & EZ Qualification Run (OPTIONAL)SIGN UPS CLOSED

Year 5/6 Competitive Run (OPTIONAL) SIGN UPS CLOSED

Week 6

Week 8

AIMS Games September 2024

Netball 2024 (Y3-8)

Volunteers a must

Attending Interschool opportunities is something we love to do, participating is loads of fun and we know these events give learners enriching, memorable experiences. They also involve a lot of organisation from teachers and require parental support as well. For us to safely take learners off site to events we need a number of parents to join us as supervisors and volunteers. We ask that you please have a look at the upcoming events calendar dates and plan ahead for events your learner(s) will want to participate in. When we send out the sports permission form please indicate you can help. We hope that by working together we can continue to have these wonderful opportunities available to our learners.

Please help us share the load. if you know your child likes to take part in sports, please take a look at the term ahead and pencil the date in your calendar. If every parent were to volunteer for one event per year, per child, there will easily be ample helpers to cover all interschool sport events. Thank you for your support.

YUMMY Apple stickers - WIN Sports gear for Stonefields School!

Stonefields school is once again taking part in the YUMMY stickers sports gear initiative. Last year we managed to collect over 4,000 stickers winning our school $650 worth of sports equipment. Please help us again by collecting YUMMY stickers and saving them on the forms which you can download here: YUMMY Stickers collection sheets 

Come on Stonefields School - lets get munching! 😋