Dr. Steve Kalman

Dr. Steven Kalman grew up in northern New Jersey. He studied chemistry at Muhlenberg College in Allentown, PA. At Muhlenberg, Dr. Kalman got his first taste of inorganic chemistry while performing undergraduate research on the synthesis, characterization, and application of tungsten complexes of chiral tetraamine ligands. He also had additional opportunities to do undergraduate research in organometallic chemistry at North Carolina State University and the University of Virginia. After graduating with a B.S. in chemistry from Muhlenberg College in 2010, Dr. Kalman pursued a Ph.D. in inorganic chemistry at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, VA where he studied C-H activation and C-C bond forming reactions with iron complexes as well as hydrocarbon functionalization using iodine oxides. After earning his Ph.D. in 2015, Dr. Kalman happily moved back to NJ to join Stockton University as an assistant professor of chemistry. He was promoted with tenure to associate professor of chemistry in 2021 (see below for current courses being taught). In his spare time, Dr. Kalman enjoys spending time with his wife and two kids.

Current Courses Taught

CHEM 3110 Inorganic Chemistry

CHEM 2110/2115 Chemistry I (General Chemistry I)

CHEM 2120 Chemistry II (Organic Chemistry I)

CHEM 2140 Chemistry IV (General Chemistry II)

GNM 2281 Science of Alternative Energy