Grade 1

The first grade curriculum consists of the following:

Use login credentials for access to network devices.

Protect accounts by logging out of shared equipment.

Create robust passwords and keep them private.

Understand the basic components of the computer: monitor, keyboard, mouse, cpu, headphones, ports and printer.

Use a mouse to manipulate shapes, icons, click on URLs, check boxes and use the scroll bar.

Use desktop icons, open and close applications and documents.

Use the print dialog box to select printers and change settings.

Create, save, edit and rename files and folders to organize documents.

Understand how to practice safe internet searches.

Understand the importance of not sharing personal information.

Use keyboarding programs and games to assist in developing skills.

Locate and use letter and number keys with correct left and right hand placement.

Use virtual world and gaming tools to collaborate toward common goals.

Use a word processing application to write, edit, print and save assignments.

Use a series of slides and organize them to present research or convey an idea.

Use age appropriate search engines to find information.

Transfer the information learned form online sources into their own words.

Use age- appropriate note taking tools.