English Reformation

Quizlet Links:

Key Terms: https://quizlet.com/43120980/english-reformation-key-terms-flash-cards/

Key People: https://quizlet.com/45060202/henry-viii-key-people-flash-cards/

English Reformation Part 1: Society and Religion

Clip from Luther Movie showing him pinning the 96 Theses to the Wittenberg Door, then standing trial at the Diet of Worms

Useful Quotes:

"The monarch was understood to be God's representative on Earth, a figure of defence and justice - a role premised on military might. The language, image and expectations of English monarchy and royal majesty were unequivocally male, and the rights of a queen regnant were a matter of great uncertainty."

- Mary, Queen Against the Odds, Anna Whitelock, BBC History Christmas 2014