Ms. Anderson's Blog

                                                                                                         PHOTOS NEEDED

Hello Parents,

We are going to be working on a few upcoming writing projects in which we will need some photos from home:

The first photo we will need will be of your child's favorite place.  This can be any place your child goes to, or has been to.  However, it may not be their house, or yard.  We will need this photo by Friday, May 3rd.

The second photo we will need will be of a pet your child currently has, or once had.  If your child has never had a pet, then they can imagine a pet they may one day like to have.  We will need this photo in a couple of weeks.  If your child has never had a pet, they can print a photo off of the internet of the pet they may like to have.

Just a heads up, that these photos will be taped to construction paper.  So, if you prefer, you may have your child bring in a paper copy of the original photo.

Thank you,

Ms. Anderson

                                                                                Morning Announcements Over the P.A. System

Hello Parents,

Our class will soon be taking their turn reading the morning announcements over the P.A. system.  A packet of information containing a cover letter, the calendar of turns and the script to practice will be going home in your child's Take Home Folder.  We will be beginning in two weeks time.  So, it may be a good idea to practice a bit prior to your child's scheduled turn.  The students do not need to memorize the script verbatim.  However, they should be able to read it fluently.  It is not necessary to bring the script back to school because I will have a copy here for them to read when it is their turn.

Just a gentle reminder that the entry bell rings at 7:50 a.m. in the morning.  The tardy bell rings at  8:00 a.m.  The ten minutes in between is for your child to prepare themselves for the day.  We begin our day promptly at 8:00, and this is when announcements are made.  If your child happens to be tardy or absent on the day of their turn to do the announcements, we will not be able to reschedule them as a lot of planning and coordination with other teachers is required and thusly would affect other classes.

Thank you,

Ms. Anderson  

                                                                                 E-Learning Day - January  22, 2024

Hello Parents,

Due to a water main break at school, Ms. Hayes has stated that this will be an e-learning day.  Please have your child complete the following items.  I have already sent you this message via email as well as the photos of the items for you to print out at home for your child to complete...

Reading - please watch YouTube video by Becca Aaker titled:  "Author's Purpose With Pie" + complete the worksheet I sent you a photo of to print out.

English - please google the story:  "The Snowy Day" by Ezra Jack Keats, there are several read a-long versions on line, also complete the graphic organizer I sent a photo of for you to print out.

Math - please print out + complete workbook pages 361-362, which I also sent a photo of

Religion - please print out, read, discuss + do workbook pages 286-287, I also sent you a photo of these pages

If you have any questions please email me. 

Thank you,

Ms. Anderson 

                                                                                            FIRST RECONCILIATION

The Sacrament of First Reconciliation for our Second grade students will be held on Tuesday, December 5th at 6:30 p.m. in the church.

                                                                                               SACRAMENTAL BUDDIES

Hello Parents,

Perhaps by now you may have heard your child talk about their "Sacramental Buddy".   Our Sacramental Buddy program was established to provide the second grade students with an eighth grade guide who will share their Sacramental experiences with their 2nd grade buddy.  The 8th graders' responsibility is to act as a positive role model for the 2nd grade students.  The students are paired up with their personalities in mind.  Because there is not always the exact same number of 2nd graders to 8th graders, sometimes a 2nd grader may end up with two 8th grade buddies, or vice versa.   We will be meeting with our buddies several times this year to work on a variety of activities.  We also will be sitting with each other at our All School Masses.

Just recently, we had our first get together, which was our "Meet and Greet".   At this event, the 8th grade students interviewed the 2nd grade students to find our more about them.  We also had our photo taken with our buddies.  Each student will recieve a copy of this photo to bring home.  We are currently creating our own photo frames in school in which to put the photo into.

It is always nice to see the bonds that are created with our buddies.  Because we honor special events in each other's lives by making cards or crafts at school, we request that you do not send in any extra gifts for your child's buddy.

Thank you,

Ms. Anderson

                                                                                            "HOME" WORK  VS   "MISSED" WORK

Hello Parents,

This communication is to provide you with the clarification and distinction between homework and missed work:

Homework are the tasks that are assigned for completion after school hours.  The purpose of homework is for students to practice, apply and review the lessons that are taught in school.  Homework is always due the next day, unless otherwise noted.  Although each student responds differently to homework, it should never take hours to complete, as a lot of homework is not assigned.  

On the other hand, missed work are lessons that a student has missed due to arriving late, being picked up early, or being absent one or more days.  When a student is not present at school for any of the reasons listed here, I record the lesson and activities the student has missed so that parents may go over this material with their child.  Providing this information helps parents to fill in the gaps caused by not being in attendance at school.   When a child has not been present in the classroom, their missed work is written on a page from an Assignment Notebook, thus appearing as it may be homework, when it is actually missed work.

As our second grade curriculum unfolds, it builds upon the foundation of what is learned each day, week, month, etc.  Therefore, it is important that the students are exposed to the material they have missed.  Going over this information with an absent child will take longer based upon how much time a child has been out of the classroom.

Each transition to the next grade level presents new experiences, challenges, and opportunities for growth in academics and independence.    A large portion of 2nd grade is the memorization of rules, and learning to apply them in a more independent manner.  Being present at school is the best way to insure that your child is exposed to all the varied lessons and tools used for teaching.


Ms. Anderson 


                                                                                         EASING INTO OUR SECOND WEEK

                                                                                                                     2023 - 2024

Hello Parents,

We are off to a great start!  Just to fill you in on our progress:

During our first week of school, we spent our time organizing our supplies, learning our routines, and doing some activities that helped us all to get to know each other.  We also did some tasks and a few casual assessments that provided me with some information on where the students are academically.

This week, we are easing into our subject curriculum by beginning Reading, Phonics, Spelling and Math.  We will have our first set of tests and quizzes on Friday.  Please reference the "What We're Working on Sheet" in your child's Take Home Folder for the specifics.  Friday's tests and quizzes will be a practice run.  The items will be graded so that you may gain a perspective on expectations and standards.  They will not be recorded in my record book.   However, the tests and quizzes scheduled for next week will begin the official recording of grades.

Shortly, I will be sending you digital copies of the St. Linus Handbook as well as the agreement for using tech equipment assigned to each student.  The office is asking that you print out the signature page of each of these documents and return them to each of your child's/children's individual classroom teacher.

Thank you,

Ms. Anderson

                                                                                    WELCOME NEW SCHOOL YEAR    2023 -2024

Hello Parents,

Welcome to my blog site.  This blog site is where you can go to find general information regarding our classroom activities.  I usually update this site a few times a month.  Information regarding how to navigate this site is in the folder that was placed on your child's desk on Welcome Back Night.  For more specific weekly information, I will send home a "What We're Working On" newsletter at the beginning of each week.  This will keep you posted on our weekly progress,  as well as let you know when our scheduled quizzes and tests will be.  On Mondays, you will find this sheet in your child's "Take Home Folder".

Our "Take Home Folder" will go home and come back to school each day.  Please take time to check this folder every day.  Papers on the "Papers and Mail" side of the folder are for you to take out and peruse.  Papers on the "Homework" side are for your child to complete and return to school.

When we begin homework assignments, we will use an "Assignment Notebook".  This notebook will also go home and come back to school each day.  This is where the students will record their homework tasks.  As this may be a new experience for your child, they may need some guidance and reinforcement with this responsibility.  Please look inside the notebook each day to see what your child needs to accomplish.

Shortly, there will be some items sent home, either electronically, or in your child's folder, that will need to be read, signed and returned to school.  Currently, the office is requesting that you read the student handbook on line, print out the last page only, sign it and return it to school.

I look forward to all the exciting things to come!

Ms. Anderson