Explaining a process

Delicious Vanilla Cakes

By: Ryan Butterworth

Delicious and fluffy, vanilla cake sure makes you joyful! Making cake takes time, but clear instructions will speed up the process. First, gather all of the ingredients; White sugar, butter, two eggs, vanilla extract, flour, baking powder and milk. Then Preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. After that you must grease and flour a nine by nine inch pan. Next in a medium bowl cream together one cup of sugar ½ a cup of butter. Beat in 1 egg 1 at a time into the mixture, then stir in 2 teaspoons of vanilla extract.I especially love the smell of vanilla; it smells as good as a flower garden.At this point you have to combine 1 ½ cups of all- purpose flour and 1 ¾ teaspoons of baking powder. Add the combined flour and the baking powder; then add it to the creamed mixture. Mix well! Next stir in ½ cup of milk, make sure to mix until the batter is smooth. Pour or spoon the batter into the pan. Here is a little tip (If the batter looks too good just take a little lick!) After, bake for 30 to 40 minutes in the preheated oven. If you want to make cupcakes just bake for 20 to 25 minutes. The cake has finished if you stick a toothpick in and there is nothing on the toothpick when pulled out. Perfect for a family gathering, Vanilla

cake could practically feed the country.