Snack Helpers

Snack Helpers!

In Preschool and Pre-K, we serve snack two times, morning and afternoon. Each child will be asked to provide a nutritious morning snack for the class as scheduled on their classroom monthly calendar. When it is your child’s turn, they can discuss with you what snack they would like provide. Two of the four basic food groups must be included in the snack – dairy, fruit and vegetables, protein, and whole grains. Any grain based snack must be whole grain and contain less than 6 grams of sugar per dry ounce. St. John’s will provide afternoon snacks for the full day program. Snacks must be commercially prepared and packaged, however, they do not need to be individually packaged. It is recommended that the identical snack be provided for each child. 

Examples of snacks:

Birthday Treats!

We know that birthdays (and half birthdays) are special times and need to be celebrated! We will schedule your child to be the snack helper on or near their birthday or half-birthday. If you would like to provide a birthday treat, it needs to be in addition to the two food groups mentioned above when they are snack helper. We highly recommend that the treat be a small treat, such as a cookie or fruit snacks, as large items like cupcakes are not fully eaten and often leave large messes. Another option is to send a small treat, such as a candy bar, that can be sent home in backpacks for friends to enjoy outside of school. 

Snack Helper May - PKH.pdf
Snack Helper May 2023 - PKF.pdf
Snack Helper May 2023 - PS.pdf
Snack Helper Mar_Apr - PKH.pdf
Snack Helper Mar_Apr 2023 - PS.pdf
Snack Helper Mar_Apr 2023 - PKF.pdf
Snack Helper Jan_Feb - PKH.pdf
Snack Helper Jan_Feb 2023 - PKF.pdf
Snack Helper Jan_Feb 2023 - PS.pdf