
Thank you in advance for supporting St. John Lutheran Church and its ministry. Because of your financial support and generosity, seeds will be planted that will enable St. John to grow in our community, and provide a church home for you and others. Thank you for answering the call to contribute to God's work here at St. John.

There are several ways to donate to St. John

1. We have printed giving envelopes available for you to use. Request envelopes by emailing

2. You can mail your donation to: St. John Lutheran Church, 709 S 2nd Street, Alma, WI 54610.

3. You can have your donations automatically sent to St. John through your financial institution. Email to request the required form to complete and send to your financial institution.

4. NEW - You can now give online safely! St. John's has partnered with to enable online giving. Follow this link to give online.

Other ways to give to St. John:

  • If you are a Thrivent Financial for Lutheran member, you may be able to designate your Choice Dollars to St. John. Contact your Thrivent representative for more information.

  • As you complete your estate planning, consider remembering St. John Lutheran Church.