AP® : Advanced Placement Info
AP® forms and payments are due Wed., November 13, 2024.
Exams/portfolios cost $99 or $53 is students qualify for free/reduced lunch.
A minimum deposit of $40 per exam/portfolio must be paid to secure a student's order. Full payments are acceptable, too. Any student paying the deposit will need to complete payment by March.
Payments can be made with check (payable to SCW or SCHS), cash, or credit card (pay online through the mySchoolBucks app - select Store at the bottom of the app to choose school and AP - enter the amount of your payment based on the AP Commitment Form).
Contact Ms. Gates with questions (sgates@stcharlessd.org).
AP® is a trademark registered by the College Board, which is not affiliated with, and does not endorse, this website.