Executive Committee Application and Process

Parent Advisory Council of Special School District

Executive Committee Nomination Form

 Click here for the digital form.

Click here for a paper copy, if you prefer. Complete the form and send it to pac@ssdmo.org by the deadline given by the current Executive Committee.

Process Guide for Executive Committee Nomination Forms

By the March SSD PAC meeting, notices requesting Executive Committee nomination forms should be issued to current SSD PAC members. 

By the May SSD PAC meeting, completed nomination forms should be returned to the SSD PAC Executive Committee.

By June 30th (preferably also at May SSD PAC meeting), the SSD PAC will hold a ballot election for the following Executive Committee positions below.

On August 1st, notification of the nominations, election results and/or appointments will be given – and the one-year term of the Executive Committee members officially begins.

Role and Responsibilities

President: Responsibilities include (a) Prepare all agendas of all meetings and preside at all meetings of the council (b) Call all special meetings on his /her own motion or upon written request from a member (c) Ensure that the bylaws and resolutions of the council are carried out (d) Be a member, ex-officio of all committees (e) Be permitted to vote (f) Be responsible for assisting in recommending and arranging for presentations for the education of council members and other parents during the regular SSD PAC meeting or at other times (g) Appoint a committee to conduct the nomination and election of members (h) Appoint committees as needed to conduct the business of the council.

Vice-President: Responsibilities include (a) Preside over meetings in the absence of the president. (b) In the event that the president is unable to complete their term of office, the vice-president will serve as the president until an election of a new president can be held and the office of the president is filled. (c) The vice-president will perform other duties as may be delegated by the president or executive committee.

Recording Secretary: Responsibilities include (a) Record the minutes of all meetings of this council, including votes. (b) Record attendance at meetings for the purpose of determining a quorum (c) Be the custodian of the council’s records, including assisting in arranging access for public inspection and copying (d) Support participation of members at all meetings of the council (e) Ensure that nametags are available for members to be displayed at all meetings (f) Maintain a file of documents for members (g) Perform such duties as may be delegated by the president or executive committee.

Corresponding Secretary: Responsibilities include (a) Be responsible for all correspondence within the SSD PAC. (b) Ensure all members receive information regarding the SSD PAC in their preferred mode of communication. (c) Send reminders of upcoming meetings. (d) Perform such duties as may be delegated by the president or executive committee.

Parliamentarian: Responsibilities include (a) Monitor the proceedings of the council to ensure that all bylaws and laws of the State of Missouri are observed. (b) Consult with the presiding officer on all questions of parliamentary procedure. (c) Perform duties as may be delegated by the president or executive committee.