Version 1.5

Post date: Oct 10, 2011 10:41:51 PM

Version 1.5.0, released 22 Mar 2006

    • R/P Distro feature revised: Two reward windows replaced by a single one. Introduced the ability to dynamically shift the window after every N valid responses are collected if the mean over those N responses lies to the right of the reward window's left edge (positive shift), or left of the window's right edge (negative shift). Distribution stats and histograms may now be displayed for all valid response samples or only the most recent M samples, where M is specified by the user. The histogram view has two alternate display modes, normalized or unnormalized. Click on the view to toggle the display mode. Matlab M-file function getrpdsummary() was updated to handle minor changes in the format of the R/P Distro summary file generated by Maestro. It will no longer be able to parse summary files generated by previous Maestro versions.

    • Extended the velocity stabilization feature in Trial mode so that it can remain in effect over a contiguous span of trial segments instead of just a single segment. Added a #segs control on the Trial Editor to specify the number of segments over which velocity stabilization is active. Matlab MEX-function readcxdata() updated accordingly.

    • In Continuous mode, pressing the F3 key will toggle the ON/off state of the "cursor tracking" target in the active target list, if it exists.

    • Removed support for the obsolete OKNDRUM target. This target was never used in Maestro anyway.