Version 1.4

Version 1.4.2, released 27 Jan 2006

    • Minor modification to the trial data file's header record: Added several flag bits and information fields specific to the R/P Distro feature. Matlab utility readcxdata() has been updated accordingly. This should make it easier for Matlab analysis scripts to process trials that use the new R/P Distro protocol.

    • Changed the range restrictions on the Reward Pulse edit controls in the Fix/Reward tab so that they match the restrictions on similar controls in the Trial Editor. The allowed range for pulse length is now [1...999] milliseconds.

    • Fixed the About|Go to User's Guide command IAW a minor change in the web address for the user's guide.

Version 1.4.1, released 11 Jan 2006 (rev 18 Jan)

    • Introduced a new XYScope target, Noisy Dots (Speed). This is the complement to Noisy Dots (Direction) -- formerly known as Opt Ctr w/Noisy Dots -- except that the noise is in the speed, rather than direction, of the individual target dots. The new target uses the same parameters, except that speed "noise" is characterized as a percentage of the nominal target pattern speed. The noise range parameter N is expressed as an integer percentage in [0..100]. In the XYScope controller's firmware, the speed noise factor for each dot is chosen from [-N:N], with a granularity of 0.1%. The same random number-generator dedicated to noise generation for all Noisy Dots (Direction) targets is also used for any Noisy Dots (Speed) targets participating in a trial.

    • Fixed bug in implementation of the trapezoidal Pulse stimulus channel for Continuous-mode stimulus runs.

    • [Revised 18 Jan] Fixed another bug in implementation of Pulse stimulus channel. Also fixed bug on the new R/P Distro tab -- it failed to update the dialog when the user selected a different trial in the combo box.

Version 1.4.0, released 04 Jan 2006

    • Implement support for a new experimental paradigm, which aims to modify the variability in a subject's behavioral response to a particular stimulus. A new special operation, coined R/P Distro, was introduced in the trial definition. The magnitude of the subject's eye velocity is averaged over the course of the special segment during an R/P Distro trial, and this average constitutes a single "response sample". Maestro accumulates these response samples over repeated presentations of the trial, constructing a nominal response distribution. A histogram of this distribution is displayed in the new R/P Distro dialog tab in the Trial mode control panel. After building up the distribution, the user stops trial sequencing and uses controls on the R/P Distro tab to define one or two reward windows. When trial sequencing is resumed, the experiment enters the reward/penalty phase: if the measured behavioral response to the R/P Distro trial falls within a reward window, the subject gets an enhanced reward; otherwise, the subject gets a reduced reward, or "penalty".

    • Prepared new gamma-correction LUTs for VSG2/4 S/N453, which is now installed in rig rm C and drives Barco monitor S/N 5137144.