Version 1.0

Version 1.0.3, released 17 Jul 2003

    • Separate mode control panels (each housed in a distinct docking bar -- only one of which could be visible at a time) are replaced by a single panel that updated its set of available dialog pages in accordance with the current operational mode.

    • Added support to persist docking control bar states and the main frame window size/location as per-user registry settings. Thus, the general layout of the Maestro GUI is saved each time the program shuts down and is restored to that condition the next time it runs.

    • Added the Modify Across All Trials in Set modification mode on the Trial Form. In this mode, any editing action on the form is propagated across all compatible trials in the set containing the trial currently being edited on the form.

    • Added support for displaying “computed” channels, which merely reflect the expected trajectories of the designated fixation targets.

    • The Message Log docking bar was redesigned to permit logging all application messages to a user-specified log file. The new dialog bar includes the original log window, plus a special edit control for specifying the log file pathname (includes a browse button) and a check box for enabling/disabling the “log-to-file” function.

    • Introduced an optional inter-trial delay (allowed range 0..2000ms) on the Trial Mode control panel. In the old CntrlxUNIX this was not necessary, since the required network communications introduced a sufficiently long delay between trial presentations. In Maestro the next trial starts so quickly after the last one that it can confuse the subject.

    • Added menu item Mode|Restart CXDRIVER. When chosen, Maestro will try to gracefully shut down and then restart its RTX driver process. In the rare situation when cxdriver appears unresponsive, this command can usually restore the system to a known stable state.

    • Fixed several bugs reported in the early going, and finished building in driver-level support for the VSG framebuffer video platform.

Version 1.0.0, released 27 Mar 2003

"Baseline" version. This is the first version to be installed on most experiment rigs in the Lisberger laboratory. It provides almost all the same functionality (and more) as the three apps CntrlxUNIX, CntrlxPC, and SpikesPC rolled into one. Support for the VSG-based framebuffer video platform still a work in progress at this point.