My Degree

  1. Ph.D in Mechanical Engineering ( Metals and welding Technology ) from University Tenaga Nasional " UNITEN ", College of Graduate Studies, Putrajaya Campus-Malaysia (2011-2015).

  2. M.Sc. Degree in Mechanical Technical Engineering. ( Welding technology ) - Baghdad Technical Collage(2004-2007).

  3. B.Sc. Degree in Mechanical Engineering — University of Salahaddin -Erbil - Kurdistan region-Iraq(1992-1996).

  4. Technical Diploma in Machines & Equipment Technology / Automobiles from the Technical Institute of Karkuk—Iraq(1988-1990).

  5. Vocational Diploma in Mineral and welding from (Industrial Section / Mineral Department) Sulaimani Industrial preparatory of boys(1984-1987).