My Degree


M.Sc., Microbiology/Virology, July, 2015,Biology Department- School of science and science education- Sulaimani University

Thesis Title:

Detection of anti- Hepatitis A and E IgG, IgM and Nucleic Acid among Chemical

Bombardment Survivors in Kurdistan.

H. Diploma, Microbiology/Molecular Biology, May, 2011,Biology Department-School of Science-Sulaimani University 

Thesis Title:

Sequence Analysis of Some Extended Spectrum β –Lactamase

Staphylococcus aureus Isolated in Burn and Plastic Surgery Hospital.

B.Sc., Biology/ General biology, 1995

Biology Department-School of Science- Salahaddin University, Erbil.

Thesis Title:

Effect of Different Plant Growth Regulators on Growth of Tomato ( Lycopersicon esculentum