
Publications (latest to oldest):Thirteen(13) research papers have been published with the following titles:

    1. Feature based unsupervised intrusion detection, accepted for oral presentation and publishing at ICCSET 2014 (International Conference on Computer Systems Engineering and Technology), Istanbul Turkey, March,24-25, 2014. Worked as a co-author in this work.

    2. Intrusion detection system based on k-Star classifier and feature set reduction, published at IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering (IOSRJCE), issue 5, volume 15, December 2013. Worked as a co-author in this work.

    3. Cost effective multi-node pollution data monitoring, published on may 2013, issue 2, volume 3 of Asian Transaction on Engineering. The coauthor is Mr.Yahyaa M.Saeed.

    4. A novel approach for indoor outdoor air pollution monitoring, published at International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 9, Issue 4, No 2, July 2012.

    5. A modified multi-wall wave propagation model for concrete based building structure, published at the International Conference on Computer and Communication Engineering (ICCCE 2012), 3-5 July 2012, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (As a co-author).

    6. Design and implementation of a cost effective gas pollution detection system, paper accepted for oral presentation at ICCCE 2012 and publishing at IEEE explore, Malaysia 3-5 July 2012.

    7. Using inexpensive home alarm for computer based carbon monoxide monitoring, published on 14 June 2012 at Asian Transaction on Engineering.

    8. Electrochemical migration (ECM) at sea environment / IEEE VLSI Workshop/ 1-2 December 2008, Kyoto - Japan.

    9. Client-Server based remote process control through the internet / ACIT 2007/ November 2007, Lathiqia - Syria.

    10. Secure Client-Server based remote process control / Journal of Zankoy Sulaymany / 2008.

    11. Controlling 8-Motors using a PC/1997-College of Electrical Engineering journal / University of Baghdad.

    12. Interfacing a dummy keyboard to a serial printer / 1999- University of Dohuk journal & Dohuk first scientific conference.

Published Book:

INTERNET BASED REMOTE PROCESS CONTROL,ISBN-10: 3845444088 ISBN-13: 978-3845444086.