
I am working as a Teacher at Sulaimanyah Technical University in the financial and accounting technique Dept. up to now.

I worked as a Lecturer at Sulaimanyah University - College of Commerce in following department (Market economy, Financial & bank and Projects management) since 2013.

Seminar for the following topics (Finance and Accounts, Technology   and Economic development) was organized and lectured by me .

Training in (Human development) in coordination with Kurdistan save children and schools activities was organized and lectured by me.  

More than (12) Article in different titles (Development and Economic and Social topics

 …….etc. has been printed out and published from Mar to Sep 2015.

(17) TV Interviews with Speda and Yagrtw satellite channel in different titles (Politics, economy, intellectual, social and family) up to now.

I supervised (60+) Graduation projects up to now.  

Member of the Union of Artists\ Iraq Kurdistan from 1991.

I participated in (41) art galleries in different places and different universities from 1992 to 1998.

Participated in many seminars in (Public Finance, Islamic Economics and the world of technology)


- Teaching Methods of study Arabic Language.

- Training in Human Development.

- Training in Computer program from the University of Sulaymaniyah.

- Training Teaching methods successfully from the University of Sulaymaniyah.

- Training English class in Headway institute (IELTS) In Sulaymaniyah.

- Training English class from the University of Sulaymaniyah.