For Teachers

Teaching Resources is a website and blog that brings together a set of tools designed to help educators integrate JSTOR into the classroom and students to improve their research skills.

Unite for Literacy: Using our unique platform, families, educators and businesses in every community can unite to promote literacy and provide free books for

their kids.

    • Culturally Relevant Books. 30+ Languages.

    • Always Free. No Subscription.

    • Use in Your Classroom. Share with Parents.

PBS LearningMedia is THE destination for high-quality, trusted digital content and solutions that inspire students and transform learning.

A curriculum resource of over 100K video clips, lesson plans, self-paced modules, audio files, images, and more:

PBS Teachers' Lounge: Fresh, ready-to-use instructional resources for the classroom:

Insights and ideas from your fellow teachers

Online professional development courses

Amazing prizes to perk up your teachers' lounge at school

The interactive reading platform that enables teachers to use evidence-based practices to improve learning.This tool offers directed reading assignments chosen from a vast catalog housing current events, curriculum topics in social studies, science, and literature (short stories, poetry, novels).

Many items are free; some are for rent – example: novel by Isabel Allende, Portrait in Sepia for .99 per student for 3 months.

All grade levels, multiple authors, embedded assignments, and an easy to use filtering interface in which you can set up classes, assign questions, and grade.

CORA stands for Community of Online Research Assignments. It is an open access resource for faculty and librarians. It is intended to be a collaborative space for adapting and experimenting with research assignments and sharing the success or lessons learned so that others may benefit. The database contains multiple, reliable and reproducible research assignments that do not live as isolated entities, but are enhanced by user feedback in order to build a rich corpus of best practices. There is also a Teaching Toolkit featuring a wide range of resource types including pedagogy/theory, assessment, librarian blogs, classroom activities, technology tips, subject guides, citation tools, and information literacy tutorials.

Writing prompts from images.

Videos and Resources to Help You Make Epic! Successful in the Classroom!

All Grades

Middle School

High School

Middle School

High School

Middle School

High School


Social Studies



Social Studies



Social Studies



Social Studies


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