Claughton Covid Plan
1. Students (must have a face covering) report to Athletic Hallway and will use hand sanitizer. (Coaches outside to monitor students to maintain safe distancing).
2. Students will have temperature checked and also answer questions on Covid screening form.
3. Students will report to their locker rooms to get dressed. No more than 15 at a time in locker room. Auxiliary gym for male athletes and main gym for female athletes will be used to house students to avoid over crowding in locker room. Athletes will be spaced at least 6 feet apart when in the gyms and locker rooms.
4. Once students are dressed, they will either leave through the rear door of locker room to report for practice or leave through 6th grade locker room to report to the gym (depending on sport).
5. During practice, face coverings must be worn. Athletes will use hand sanitizer between drills and practice segments.
6. Balls and equipment will be cleaned throughout practice.
7. Water at football practice: Players will bring their own water bottle clearly marked with their name. Bottles will be refilled using one of the water hydration systems in which only a coach will refill the bottles and players will at no time touch hydration system. No sharing of water bottles will be allowed. Volleyball and basketball players will provide their own water bottle using coolers to refill water bottles, only a coach may refill.
8. Once practice ends, players will report to locker room with 15 at a time allowed. Once dressed, they will report outside or the gym to wait for parent pickup. Distancing maintained at all times.
It is imperative that athletes not come to practice if experiencing any COVID symptoms.
Coaches must be notified if an athlete tests positive for COVID or is in close contact of someone who has.