

Hello, my name is Ms. LaCour and I am your student's Writing, Reading and Social Studies teacher (Humanities).

I am so glad that your Super Student is in my class. It has been a joy getting to know them these first few weeks of school and I look forward to growing with them as the school year progresses. I put this booklet together so that you and I can be on the same page.

Class Dojo

This year as our class positive reinforcement and classroom management program, I am utilizing and free program called Class Dojo. With Class Dojo, teacher, parent and students will be constantly aware of positive and negative behavior. The program comes with a messenger feature, which allows parents and teachers to communicate. Students also take more responsibility for their actions when they know they are being held accountable. Please join because I will send out reminders and information throughout the school year to help your students succeed.

Team Expectations

Homework: Spelling Words and Reading log are due



Credit is given only for what is turned in on time.

Nightly Reading: Students are expected to read a minimum of

20 minutes at home and write 3-5 sentences about what they read.

Dismissal: During dismissal it is very important that we get each child home safely. That being said, students are to remain on a LEVEL ZERO in the hallway and in the holding rooms. If they do not meet this expectation, they will automatically receive an N in conduct.

P.A.W Time

Every morning during the first hour of school from 8:20 -8:50, students will participate in Intervention and Enrichment time. Students will be grouped together based on their needs in order to be developed more in a specific content or skill area.

Grading Policy

Tests: 45% Daily: 45% Homework: 10%

Website & Resources

If you need to know something about what’s going on in the classroom, you need resources to further assist your super student, misplaced spelling words/reading logs, go to my Thompson Teacher webpage.



Best ways to contact me are through Class Dojo, and Email. If you need to speak with me, just let me know.

Conference Hours

Wed.-Thurs. 10:55-11:35



When you learn, teach. When you get, give.

Maya Angelou