Welcome to Mr. Sumners' webpage. Spearfish Middle School offers many opportunities to showcase our students on many different levels. Not only do we showcase the academics but we take great PRIDE in showcasing our students abilities outside of the classroom in their activities. Please take time to look over our activities calendars as well as the snapshot of what is going on at SMS on this web page. If you need to get in contact with me you can reach me in the office at 605-717-1215 or email me at bsumners@spearfish.k12.sd.us.
Important Dates
SMS Fall Activities Meeting
August 13th at 5:00 PM - SMS Gym
Cross Country (6th, 7th, and 8th grade)
Practice begins on August 14th
Volleyball (7th and 8th grade girls)
SWAY test on August 14th
Practice begins on August 15th
Football (7th and 8th grade boys)
SWAY test and equipment check out on August 14th
Practice begins on August 15th
Knowledge Bowl (6th, 7th, and 8th grade)
Practice will begin after the start of school