Immunization and Physical Exam Requirements


New Jersey State immunizations are specific to your child's age and grade. Please see links for immunization schedules and requirements:

Immunization Requirements - Preschool - State of New Jersey

Immunization Requirements - K to 12 - State of New Jersey

Students transferring within the state of New Jersey cannot start school until proof of state mandated immunizations is provided to and reviewed by the nurse. Out-of-state and out-of country transfer students have 30 days to submit the age appropriate immunizations.

Top 20 Questions About Vaccination

Physical Examinations

Documentation of a physical exam is required upon entry into the public school system. However, the New Jersey Department of Education urges ongoing health assessments by a healthcare provider to determine the student's medical status. The New Jersey Department of Education strongly recommends physical examinations of students at least once during each of the developmental stages:

  • Early childhood (pre-school through grade3)

  • Pre-adolescence (grade 4 through 6)

  • Adolescence (grade 7 through 12)

Additionally, annual physical examinations for school age children are recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics to monitor growth and development as well as early detection of health problems. Consult your child's pediatrician regarding these concerns.

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