Welcome Parents & Guardians

Mrs. Yanoff’s 7th Grade Language Arts Class

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Welcome to 7th grade Language Arts. Something that has been consistent throughout my teaching career is that the time I have spent working with the children of Sparta has been quite enjoyable. I am looking forward to a year sharing in the satisfaction my students will experience as they accomplish new goals and the excitement engendered by the creative challenges ahead.

This year will be a rewarding experience for all of us as we journey through an innovative program that adheres to the new common core standards adopted by the state. Studies have shown that students have greater success in both reading and writing when they have the opportunity to learn them in conjunction with one another. It affords a seamless transition between the skills and concepts the students need to master. Additionally, this approach encourages deeper creativity and an ownership of the material.

Class will be categorized in intertwining components that will segue naturally. Unsurprisingly, the main focus of the class will be reading and writing, and there will be an additional foray into the applicable and related skills of learning vocabulary/spelling, grammar, analysis, critical thinking, and problem solving.

In reading, my aim is for the students to learn how to enjoy reading as well as learn to critique what they read. They will read extensively this year as they experience various genres. It is my goal that the students will be able to immerse themselves in the literature as they develop an appreciation for the printed word. I want them to experience the texture of a well-written piece of literature and an understanding of the concrete as well as the nuances encountered there.

There will be an emphasis on informational text. The students will learn how to understand and analyze text by using context clues, interpreting technical language, idiomatic expressions and figures of speech, and developing various other strategies based on individual learning styles.

The written word is a fundamental and increasingly utilized form of communication. It is my intention to help the students reach their fullest potential in all avenues of their writing. Although the primary focus will be on writing and its various styles, we will also have many opportunities for self-reflection and other communication activities. First and foremost this class will be a place of safety and comfort for your children. They will be able to explore their interests and expand their minds as they craft their own words and find their written voice. They will take away from this class not only enhanced writing skills, but a positive sense of self, realizing that they have much to offer and unlimited potential.

The responsibilities of the students are few, but significant. In addition to the “Code of Behavior” expected by the students, they must also:

  • Hand in all homework and assignments on time.

  • Meet the specific criteria for each assignment and assessment.

Each student starts with a Satisfactory Effort grade. In order to earn an Outstanding, the student must go “above and beyond” the basic class requirements. This may be exemplified through a serious approach to schoolwork, positive class participation, an obvious commitment to improving their reading and writing skills, and/or a willingness to expand their educational horizons through experiencing the varied reading genres and writing forms and styles available to them. Academic assessment will be based in a variety of avenues. This approach creates an environment that fosters student success. Formatives, summatives, writing assignments, projects, homework, daily observations, and class participation will be included in the grading process (students will have numerous opportunities for assignment choice). I expect this to be a year filled with much learning, frequent humor, improved communication skills, and a dedication to their ever-expanding thirst for knowledge and intellectual accomplishments. It is with genuine pleasure that I get to know and teach your children.

If you should, at any time, have any questions or concerns; please do not hesitate to contact me at theresa.yanoff@sparta.org. This is a joint venture between your children, you, and me. With all of us working together, I am sure it will be a smooth, stress-free, successful year for all.—Terry Yanoff